What’s the Link Between Drains and Wetlands?
The Cemetery Pond Wetland Protection and Restoration project is currently underway for Cemetery Pond, a protected wetland in East Renton. Over the years, increased filling at the Cemetery Pond wetland has led to approximately two acres of the wetland being filled with soil and other materials. Filling increases stormwater runoff and sediment and pollution runoff […]
Protect Your Plumbing System from Household Hazardous Waste
In an effort to implement more programs about household hazardous waste, the city of Renton has accepted over $70,000 in grant funding from King County’s Hazardous Waste Management Program. The majority of this funding will go towards reducing the risks of chemical exposure to residents and the environment from used motor oil and oil filters, […]
Summer Heat and How Temperatures Can Affect Your Plumbing
With the arrival of August, Renton and the rest of Western Washington are enjoying the sunny days and warm summer nights. While many people enjoy the heat and are happy to spend time in the sun, like many things in life, moderation is always best. Temperatures have been steadily increasing over the past few years […]
Renton Water Quality and How it Affects Plumbing
The city of Renton released their annual Water Quality Report as required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. In the report, it details the four main sources of Renton’s drinking water supplies and what minerals or chemicals are present in each. Over half of the city’s drinking water comes from a wellfield of six […]
Missing Sidewalks and How Renton Plans to Become More Accessible
A vital part of the city of Renton’s mission is to provide a vibrant, healthy, and above all safe community. As one of the many goals they are striving towards, a significant way that they plan on fulfilling that goal is by, “Promoting a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly city with streets, trails, and connections between neighborhoods […]
What Causes Stinky Drains?
There’s nothing worse than when you’re cleaning your home, and you notice a foul odor emitting from your sinks or drains. For many Renton homeowners, the inside of a drain is hard to reach and cleaning a drain isn’t as simple as just running hot water down it. Bad smelling drains can also be an […]
Don’t Miss the Renton Farmers Market
Tuesday’s in June can mean only one thing in the city of Renton. The Renton Farmers Market has arrived! Opening day of the market was on June 6th and you’ll be able to experience this annual event every Tuesday, June 6th – September 26th from 3:00pm-7:00pm. Get ready to enjoy food trucks, fresh produce, and […]
Common Issues That Can Affect Your Dishwasher
In this day and age, we rely on our dishwashers heavily. While it is relatively easy to hand wash a few dishes, the convenience and efficiency of being able to wash multiple dishes at once is hard to beat. That’s why when your dishwasher is having issues or isn’t functioning how it should, it’s hard […]
The Importance of Taking Care of Your Sewer Pipes in West Seattle
Sewers are an important part of your plumbing system. It is their responsibility to carry wastewater from your home or property and take it to the appropriate treatment centers. Without a working sewer system, it would be very difficult to maintain the safety and quality of our water supplies and the safe health of West […]
Cost Saving Rebates That Save You Money During the Summer in King & Pierce County
Water bills tend to soar this time of year as the sun starts to appear in Western Washington. Especially in places like King County, including cities such as Seattle, Renton, Kent, and so on. It’s easy to overlook the cost saving rebates available to help offset your increasing utility bill. We thought we’d point out […]