Spring Activities to Look Forward to in the Renton Community
The first day of spring has finally arrived and we’ve already experienced a fair amount of sunny days in the city of Renton. While we say goodbye to cold gray winter days, spring’s arrival means it is time for more outdoor focused activities and events. Spring is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts, […]
Let’s Talk about Air Conditioning and The Spring in Renton
Spring rains are just starting to fall but it is not too early to talk about this summer. Moreover, it is not too early to talk about keeping your house cool this summer. Do you get a steady breeze off Lake Washington or get a nice airflow up in Fairwood? We cannot rely on mother […]
Why We Love Providing Plumbing Services in Renton
Here at Trusted Plumbing & Heating we’re committed to our customers and our Renton community. We understand the frustrations and concerns of homeowners who experience plumbing issues, especially those unexpected emergencies, and we are always here to help. We’ve been part of this community for over 35 years, with the goal of providing the best […]
3 Major Plumbing Issues To Be Aware of in Old Homes
West Seattle is home to a lot of houses that date back to the early 20th century, and even earlier. These historic homes are beautiful and many are still functional as residences, but there are a few major issues that homeowners need to be aware of with houses older than 50 years. One of those […]
How to Become a Plumber in Seattle
Getting a job in the Seattle plumbing industry can be highly rewarding financially, and provide satisfying work that will always be needed by families across the city and King County. There will always be a need for skilled plumbers in Seattle as well as any other city you may choose to move your family to, […]
Investing in a New Air Conditioner Unit
There are two options to choose from when looking to buy an air conditioning system. You can either go for a window unit, or central air conditioning unit. Window units sit outside a window and cool a single room. Central air conditioning is controlled by a central thermostat and runs throughout the entirety of the […]
What to Look for When Evaluating Heat Pump Costs
We’re proud to offer the highest-rated service to customers interested in upgrading their homes with a heat pump installation. Homeowners consider installing a heat pump for a number of reasons, all of which are incredibly beneficial. This eco-friendly alternative makes homes more comfortable while saving more money. If you’re considering such an upgrade, we have […]
How much does a new furnace cost?
Furnace replacement is one of the most common maintenance expenses for homeowners. Most homeowners replace their old furnaces with the same kind they had to avoid incurring additional costs. Others decide to upgrade their systems to make their homes more energy efficient. Whether you intend to install a gas, oil, propane, or electric furnace, we […]
Unclog Your Toilet: Four Tricks to Try Before Calling Your Plumber
We all have to deal with a clogged toilet from time-to-time. Whether you’re in your own home or a guest at someone else’s, it happens often enough that most have tools on hand that will take care of the job with a little clever skill. If you find yourself in this situation, the following tricks […]
When Was Indoor Plumbing Invented?
It’s hard to imagine life without indoor plumbing. More than 700 users a month sit on their porcelain thrones and query Google or Siri: “Just when was indoor plumbing invented anyway?” Jim Cunningham of Trusted Plumbing and Heating has some answers. “Plumbing in one form or another has been around as early as 4000 […]