Proper maintenance of a gas furnace or central heating and cooling system can help you save lots of well-earned money as well as save you from the conventional heating and cooling problems. Routine or regular maintenance will extend the life of your system. Your system is also assured of running more efficiently. Most HVAC companies may occasionally come and perform the regular service as part of their service agreement. Heating systems should be clear of any dust, rusts, or any debris that might obstruct smooth functioning. You should also check the vent pipes and ensure they’re in good form and free from any blockage. The air filters need replacement or cleaning depending on their state. Always oil the motor and keep the boiler wheel clean.
A condensing furnace should never be clogged. It’s also important to have a digital thermostat as this will help you save a lot on heating bills. To check for functionality, you should run the furnace through a normal heat cycle and let it run for at least 15 minutes. Measure the temperature of air entering the furnace [return air temperature] and the air leaving the furnace [supply air temperature]. Then subtract the return air from the supply air. The recommended range needs to be between 35-65degrees. If the temperature is below this, you can reduce the blower heating speed. If it’s above, you increase the fan heating rate.

Repair procedure
Diagnosis usually starts at the thermostat in the fan furnace repair. While troubleshooting, ensure the highest setting is set and the set point is above room temperature. If the heater fan is not functioning properly, place the fan in the mode. Check the breaker, fuse and switch for the furnace. Turn off the breaker when checking for loose connections on the furnace wiring. It’s best to get help from qualified technicians if unsure of how to proceed. Signs of burning can be detected by the presence of burn spots on the control board. If you see these spots, ensure you replace the board.
You should be able to see a flashing green light when you look at the inspection window of the blower compartment. If there is no light, the problem could be a faulty transformer, fan motor, furnace control board or run capacitor. Most units will not run if the reservoir is full, so ensure the reservoir in the condensate pump is not full. Here are tips on inspecting your system during furnace repair:
- Pilot light. Ensure the standing pilot is lit, and the fame touches the tip of the thermocouple.
- Temperature. Feel the side of the furnace. If it’s warm, allow time for the unit to cool before you continue to troubleshoot.
- Ignition. If you hear a rapid clicking noise, it means the pilot or the burner is trying to ignite. If it fails to ignite, the furnace control board could be bad, or the flue could be blocked. If the light immediately goes off, the flame sensor could be dirty.
Carbon monoxide inspection
During cold weather, you should be wary of an invisible killer in the form of carbon monoxide gas. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, consumers are encouraged to have a professional inspection as part of their furnace repair services. You can’t smell Carbon monoxide it’s odorless and has no color gas and is produced by burning fuels. Correctly installed gas heaters pose minimal hazards. The inspector should check for any leakage, blockage by debris or loose connections.
Whether you need gas repair, maintenance or carbon inspection, you undoubtedly need the services of a professional. Trusted Plumbing and Heating, LLC heating and Air conditioning come in handy to all Tacoma, Seattle, Bellevue residents for all their furnace repair and installation needs.