Replacing a Toilet in Your Home

toiletThe labor of remodeling a home always takes its toll on the homeowner.  Depending on the needed work depth, that impact can range from a mild inconvenience to needing to demolish half the house to finish the project.  Thankfully, replacing a toilet is one of the things that is usually more of an inconvenience as one of the bathrooms is out of commission for a few hours.

When it comes to replacing a toilet, there are many reasons why a homeowner will want to replace it.  Here are just a few examples:

  • Upgrading or updating the bathroom – This is one of the easiest options to do as you take a working toilet and replace it with a new model, a different color, or a model with all sorts of bells, whistles, and gadgets your heart is set on.
  • Minor repairs are needed – Does the whole bowl rock side to side by just an inch or two?  Or maybe there is a small leak in the back of the tank.  Or there are cracks running across the porcelain but nothing is leaking yet.  In replacements like this, oftentimes all of the connection points and connections are in good condition and it is a quick change out with little extra work needed.
  • Damage unit – This can happy for many reasons where there is serious damage done to the toilet or one or many of the connection points.  For a replacement like this, it is important to make sure that things like the waterline connection are in good shape or that the drainage pipe does not have any excess damage or wear from what could have started the damage.

None of the plumbing is highly advanced and as far as most repairs go, a very straightforward installation process.  Some homeowners, get to roll up their sleeves and rip out the old while gently placing the new.  For other customers, there can be several reasons why they would like to have it professionally installed and we are more than happy to help.  A great advantage of having it professionally installed is that we will disconnect the old unit, prepare the connection points, carry the new toilet in, and get it all hooked up.  That way, if there is a sudden surprise of something not fitting together or sizes being off, we can easily remedy it since we are all ready there!  If you are thinking about making some changes in your bathroom or any part of your home, give Trusted Plumbing and Heating a call to get a free estimate on your project!


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